Week 4: Sound walk reflexion and video storyboarding

For this week we formed new teams and received a new assignment specifically for Video production. Me and my team met during the week and started a quick brainstorming session to define the subject of our video. We had already discussed that we wanted to create something with meaning and not to create just something funny or fake marketing therefore we focussed our ideas thinking about a final result that would have a positive effect in out audience.

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Video and Sound, week2: LOST SoundWalk

The group assignment for week three consisted in creating a sound walk located in the 721 Broadway Tisch building. Me and my group got together the day after we were assigned the project and even thought we didn’t quite know our concept in that moment we decided to start the process by getting to know all of the floors in the building, neither of us had ever been to other floor rather than ITP (4th floor).

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The Met Sound Walk

This Blog Post is a reaction to the John Luther Adams’s  Sound Walk that guides the audience from The Met Fifth Avenue to The Met Breuer and viceversa. I prepared myself to be able to walk at the same pace as the audio was indicating, which meant that I had to memorize the streets that I had to follow in order to avoid be checking for directions at the middle of it.

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